Effortless Business Intelligence

Business analysis on-demand, just plug-in your data.

Out of the box BI empowers your team to discover trends and deal with issues immediately and easily.

Sales & Inventory Analysis

Sales and Margins by Customer, Item, Salesperson, Customer type, Brand, Supplier, Class, Location, Tracking code or compare to prior periods or years.
Track Inventory against recent sales history to manage reorders.
Pick from the default reports or easily change any of these key dimensions. Simply save your new report to reuse, share with other users or schedule to auto email daily, weekly or monthly.

Job Analysis

Budget Jobs by month or the whole job and compare actuals to budget.
Report job P&L by Job Headers, Job Manager and Job Customer.
Manage Job WIP and Estimates to Complete with outstanding purchase orders and sales able to be included in Jobs reports.
Know the state of all active jobs regardless of their stage across financial years.

Divisional Analysis

Running Divisions, Cost Centres or multiple companies? We have a number of Report options to help.  P&L by Categories, combine multiple company files or Setup up your own Custom lists against General Ledger accounts to create Divisions and generate comprehensive divisional P&L reports, with Actuals v Budget that you can also drill right down to transaction level.

Works with – click for more details

The BI4Cloud difference

Pretty diagrams can be pretty pointless if they stop at the top. Of course you need an overview to easily see trends but you also need to get down into the data to discover the causes and this should be effortless. If sales are down this month you should not have to dive back into the accounting system and analyse invoices to discover the who and why.

With Bi4Cloud we access the transactions to allow drilling down to detail and pivot and switch dimensions to reveal why and deal with the issue.

You need the detail to do this. When detail matters you need BI4Cloud.

Happy Customers

Our Customers are amazed at the insights they get about their business as soon as they sign up for a Free Trial. They save hours and days each month on preparing vital business reports leaving them more time to actually use the information.

Many say that they don’t know how they did without BI4Cloud.

These businesses cover the whole spectrum of SME enterprises including wholesale, distribution, wineries, heath services, IT, mining services, construction, recruiting, childcare and disability services. Many of these organisations are just like yours and need timely information to make the best business decisions.

Easy Onboarding

Try our BI4Cloud service on your data. Simply click Free Trial, create a login and provide some details. Next connect your data source and after we sync your data you’re good to go. We give you a free 14 days of reporting bliss before you have to decide. It’s easy to get into the habit of having your information delivered automatically by email or opening your tablet and logging in to see what’s going on.

Works with

Seamless reporting across QuickBooks Online, Xero and Account Edge Pro.

No Brainer

Using BI4Cloud you get the benefit of all our BI work for less than your daily coffee. What do you have to lose?

Not for profit

Are you a Not for Profit using MYOB? – Learn how we help with NDIS here.

Start a free trial now

Customer reviews

BI4Cloud is a great asset for reporting and tracking categories and profit for shipments

We have been using BI4Cloud for quite some time (years), we started when we used MYOB due to reporting limitations on MYOB, we moved to Xero and we used BI4Cloud for reporting. Had a recent problem with reporting profit on shipments/jobs. We discovered that Xero reporting has some limitations and due to the functionality of BI4Cloud, the team were able to give instructions on building reports that gave the exact results we needed. We use only BI4Cloud for reporting and analysis rather than Xero or MYOB native. I highly recommend this company and this app.

Paul Daly

Reporting dream. Trial it today you wont be disappointed.

We have a monthly reporting period that ends on the last Tuesday of each month. BI4Cloud is the only reporting tool that the dates are flexible and totally under the users control. The budget information comes directly from Xero. Reports with Actuals, Budget & Last year comparisons, here hasn’t been a report I want that they can’t write. It can produce reports with hierarchies in your tracking categories to simplify and summaries your reports. The BI4Cloud support team it fantastic. If you want a report, they will write it for you generally with 48hours. Trial it today you wont be disappointed.

Belinda Coombs

Total insight to Customers and Inventory

Have been using BI4Cloud for a number of years. It delivers the most comprehensive reports on sales and inventory use. Brilliant pivot style integration of customers to products, Product Groups to Customer Groups it can provide fantastic drill downs. Pricing is fair and consistent with no hidden rises. Very helpful and knowledgeable Customer Service is a phone call away. Highly recommend.

Howard Winchester

Can’t recommend highly enough if you use tracking categories as cost centres in xero.

This app is the best thing since sliced bread! I was really struggling to find an app that could cope with the reporting we required on our Xero accounting transactions. The main issue has been getting reports by tracking code, incorporating a budget by tracking code and then report P&L by tracking code, against the tracking budget, and then backing that up with a transaction list by tracking code – this app does it all.

Ruth Moate

What our customers are saying

Even from a brief trial I could see that there were endless possibilities for reporting using the BI4Cloud add-on, but when I sent a brief message to their support line everything went into overdrive! I have never known such an amazing customer support service. Almost immediately Charles at BI4Cloud came back to me and in a few hours he had created a template that met almost all my needs. Over the following few days he worked to iron out a couple of areas and ``boom!`` .... My clients can now generate detailed quarterly (or monthly) reports of their actual/budget position at the click of a button .... instead of a full week or more of Excel import/formatting and stress!- AntMills
We have a monthly reporting period that ends on the last Tuesday of each month. BI4Cloud is the only reporting tool that the dates are flexible and totally under the users control. The budget information comes directly from Xero. Reports with Actuals, Budget & Last year comparisons, here hasn’t been a report I want that they can’t write. It can produce reports with hierarchies in your tracking categories to simplify and summaries your reports. The BI4Cloud support team it fantastic. If you want a report, they will write it for you generally with 48hours. Trial it today you wont be disappointed.- Belinda Coombs
Have been using BI4Cloud for a number of years. It delivers the most comprehensive reports on sales and inventory use. Brilliant pivot style integration of customers to products, Product Groups to Customer Groups it can provide fantastic drill downs. Pricing is fair and consistent with no hidden rises. Very helpful and knowledgeable Customer Service is a phone call away. Highly recommend.- Howard Winchester
This app is the best thing since sliced bread! I was really struggling to find an app that could cope with the reporting we required on our Xero accounting transactions. The main issue has been getting reports by tracking code, incorporating a budget by tracking code and then report P&L by tracking code, against the tracking budget, and then backing that up with a transaction list by tracking code – this app does it all.- Ruth Moate